Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The trick is...

When i tell people i'm an (aspiring) actor.  It's always met with some degree of admiration and contempt.

i'll get to the contempt in a second....

The admiration comes from a variety of sources, some because they aren't brave enough to perform in front of a theater full of people, others because they just don't have any talent, (sorry but true), but many others say the same thing;

"I could never memorize all those lines!"

I would like to clarify that memorizing lines is not the hardest thing about being an aspiring or working actor.  There are many things that actors have to worry about;

Medical Insurance.
The next job, or getting an acting job period.
Backup plan in case acting doesn't work out.
Parents bugging you to get a real job.
Talent-less camera whores stealing your job with their reality tv series (i'm looking at you Kardashian!)

Memorizing is easy!  You know your phone number right?  Your Social security number?  Your address?  The address of a few close friends?  Thats what i can think of off the top of my head, and i've already listed a combination of about 20 numbers and a ton of words.  I bet you can rattle them off without blinking.

We all have things memorized in common to;

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag..."
"We hold these truths to be self evident..."
"(insert multitude of bible verses here)"

I mean, we all know the ABC's right?

You see the trick of memorizing the lines and/or speeches, is not the memorizing at all!  It's saying it during performance like you didn't memorize it at all!  

I think creating a believable and organic performance/scene/play with your fellow actors is the hardest part of acting.  So many young actors act in a void, saying the lines the same way, playing the scene the same way, marking their way through the entire show without sending or receiving energy from anyone in the cast.  That kind of actor is very dangerous because he sucks all the energy out of the show, because every time he opens his mouth, he may as well be saying "i pledge allegiance to the flag..."

But when you get a roomful of actors really listening to each other feeling each other, taking each other in and responding naturally from their characters desires and motivations, you get a beautiful thing.

Oh, and the contempt?  Thats easy.  Actors always get a bad rap.  Back in ancient Rome, if a Roman citizen caught an actor in bed with his wife, he could kill him where he stood (lay?) and no charges would be brought to him, because actors held less social privilege than slaves.

Even in Shakespeare's time, when theater was at a relative high point in respectability and popularity, an actor had to prove he was in the service of a lord or member of nobility...  or be considered a vagrant (thats a fancy word for homeless), and he would be carted off to jail.

In todays modern era, while actors have slightly more rights than we used to have.  We still still cock an eyebrow or two when we tell people we want to be on stage or camera for a living, as opposed to all the useful jobs out there we could be holding (those that haven't gone to India or China that is), that are actually useful to society.  

We have reps as potheads, drunks, adulterers, druggies, and generally self obsessed artsy types who don't have a clue what the world may be like outside our little bubbles we make for ourselves.

And don't get me started about Uber-Religous types who insist were liars and deceivers for playing pretend all the time.

But i'm side-tracking myself.  

Point is;

Memorizing is easy
Acting is hard

Any questions?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A dreamer in the city that never sleeps.: I gotta say, i loves me some comic books! Comics a...

A dreamer in the city that never sleeps.: I gotta say, i loves me some comic books!
Comics a...
: I gotta say, i loves me some comic books! Comics are a fantastic medium, i really believe they are the ultimate blending of art a...
I gotta say, i loves me some comic books!

Comics are a fantastic medium, i really believe they are the ultimate blending of art and story.  It's a truly collaborative art form, much like my bread and butter; Theater.

Like Theater, everyone involved in the making of a comic has a specific job to do and usually they don't stay to far from that job; just as actors do one thing, stagehands do another, and house management do another.

Story, character design, Penciling, Inking, lettering, these are the credits i'm looking at in the title page of my copy of Whatever happened to The Man of Tomorrow? and i'm sure more modern comics today have even more more people involved.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh Darn.

It seems that i have managed to work so late, that I get home so late i can't fall asleep.  The sunlight hits my window and consciousness is fully pushed upon me.

I mean i tried to go to sleep.  I'm in PJ's and everything, but the minute my head hits the pillow this smart-ass gotta go ahead and start one of his think-a-thon's, fill his head up with so much garbage he just can't go anywhere to count sheep.

So what do i do today?  Looks like an involuntary early start.

The Subway.

One thing i absolutely love about this city is the Subway.

I know a lot of flack has been thrown on the MTA for cutting services and increasing fares.  But i have always been fascinated with the New York Subway system.

I've been to other countries subways, and i've riden ours plenty.  I am never un-entertained while ridding the train.  Moments like being in a train next to another and seeing all the people clearly through the windows, fighting the urge to wave at them (okay, i've waived every now and then).  The shockwave that you feel as a train comes speeding into a station mere inches from your body.  How about the many musicians, comedians, jugglers, and whatever-else-you'd-have-the-balls-to-doer's on the trains?

I mean, call me easily amused, but even the sheer size and complexity of New Yorks Subway amazes me when i remember that it's around one hundred years old.  It's still ticking after one hundred years of use.  24 hour use i might add.

My point is that the Subway has got to be one of the few things in my life i still sort of marvel at.  Magicians all look hokey, CGI replacing animatronics and puppets kinda ruined movies for me, but the Subway will always be a wonderful little marvel of New York to me.

Some things I like about the subway

Train Surfing.

Always a fun way to ride if your doing something else with your hands and cant hold the pole, like reading a book or manipulating an ipod.  Just keep your knees bent as much as you can!

How hearing the door closing chime always makes you start leaning into train acceleration.

but it's soooooo awkward for your brain when the train doesn't move as soon and you just look weird.

The feeling of slight vertigo when going up a really steep escalator.

don't try to act like it doesn't make you a little dizzy.

Some things i really hate about the subway.

No matter how many sign the put up, you somehow don't know a certain train isn't running and you get screwed.

Then everyone has to get off the platform and wait for a connecting train.  Or get out and walk to another god damn station.

Trying to get off the train durring rush hour.

It's seriously a damn battle to the death!  Plus there's always some asshole who's going to try to get on when you're getting off...  You guys know who you are, stop it.

Cutting services and raising fares.

This is just stupid and pisses me off.

So that's my two cents.  What do you think of the subway?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Starting a Blog.

So...  I am starting a blog.

I wonder how many people start blogs, i'm sure one can look it up.

Actually no.  I just Googled it and at first glance i could not actually find a statistic.  So i'm still going to assume that a lot of people start blogs a year.  I am happy to join their ranks.

So I feel as though i should explain the title of this blog.

I am a dreamer.  I am a big dreamer.  I've spent my whole life either day dreaming or dreaming in my sleep.  I've dreamed of many things.  Some of those dreams were about silly kid stuff.  Being a fireman or a superhero, impressing pretty girls, or maybe having an incredible pet, like a dragon.

I eventually started dreaming about some more mature subjects.  Dreaming about careers, getting married, you know, real stuff.

I've dreamed almost everyday in my life in this town, and yet this city is "The City that Never Sleeps".

So how DO you dream in the city that never sleeps?

I ask this question as a Dreamer, and as a New Yorker.

This blog is going to be about the two things I value most in my life; this city, and my dreams.